Dundalk Bay to Carlingford Greenway
Louth County Council, with the support of Transport Infrastructure Ireland, is developing proposals for the Dundalk Bay to Carlingford Greenway project.
The study area for the proposed greenway project encompasses the Regional Centre of Dundalk and the coastal town of Carlingford, along with the interconnecting road network. The R173 Regional Road is the main route connecting Dundalk with Carlingford. The R173, along with other regional and local roads in the study area have limited provision for pedestrians and cyclists. High vehicle speeds, narrow road widths and lack of segregated facilities make the road network unattractive for pedestrians and cyclists.
Topographic Surveys
Topographic Surveys of the study area are underway. This survey is being undertaken by Murphy Geospatial on behalf of Louth County Council to determine ground levels throughout the study area.
The surveys are being undertaken by drone which is a standard form of aerial topographic survey. The surveyors and their equipment are licensed to undertake these surveys by the Irish Aviation Authority, and the data obtained will be processed in compliance with GDPR requirements with regard to anonymisation of data.
The surveyors have been working from west to east from Dundalk though to Carlingford, however, they may be required to undertaken surveys out of sequence at other locations for survey control. The drones used will generally be flying at a high level although will briefly be at lower levels when taking off and landing.
Surveys are anticipated to be undertaken on the following dates at the following locations dependant of weather conditions. This will be updated if there are any changes to the proposed schedule.
04/02/25 - Tuesday
05/02/25 - Wednesday
06/02/25 - Thursday
07/02/25 - Friday
Unsuitable weather
Section C
Section C & A
Section C & A
No Flying
The Bush to Carlingford
The Bush to Carlingford & Dundalk to Rockmarshall
The Bush to Carlingford & Dundalk to Rockmarshall

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