About the Project
The study area for the proposed greenway project encompasses the Regional Centre of Dundalk and the coastal town of Carlingford, along with the interconnecting road network. The R173 Regional Road is the main route connecting Dundalk with Carlingford. The R173, along with other regional and local roads in the study area have no provision for pedestrians and cyclists. High vehicle speeds, narrow road widths and lack of segregated facilities make the road network unattractive for pedestrians and cyclists.
The proposed greenway will seek to connect with the existing Carlingford Lough Greenway, facilitating a continuous cross-border greenway from Dundalk in Co. Louth to Newry in County Down. The proposed greenway provides the local population and tourists to the area an attractive recreational facility as well as a potential active travel alternative for routine trips.
Project Objectives
Investment in walking and cycling is a key policy objective of the Government. The National Development Plan (NDP) 2021-2030 recognises the importance of active travel not only in reducing carbon emissions, but also in achieving other national strategic outcomes such as compact urban growth and balanced regional development. Other national policy, such as the Climate Action Plan, the Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways, and the National Physical Activity Plan highlight the multi-faceted benefits provided by active travel investment, including carbon emission reductions, physical and mental health benefits, tourism and improvements to accessibility and social inclusion.
The objectives for the proposed greenway have been developed in accordance with the seven appraisal headings identified in the Department of Transport’s “Transport Appraisal Framework (TAF) (June 2023)”:

Transport User Benefits and Other Economic Impacts

Accessibility Impacts

Social Impacts

Land Use Impacts

Safety Impacts

Climate Change Impacts

Local Environmental Impacts
What’s Happening Now?
​The project has now commenced Phase 2 Option Selection, which involves the development and assessment of these feasible route corridor options to ultimately determine an Emerging Preferred Route Corridor. The second public consultation was held on the 19th June 2024 presenting the feasible Route Corridor Options. The period for submissions closed on the 6th September 2024. A significant number of individual submissions were received and these submissions are currently being captured, reviewed and assessed by the Project Team.
We would like to thank all who took the time to make a submission on the Dundalk Bay to Carlingford Greenway project​.
The material for Public Consultation No. 2 is still available to view at this link.